
On behalf of the ISoP Executive Committee and the Local Organizing Committee, it is our great pleasure to welcome you to our conference website and warmly encourage you to participate in our 23rd Annual Meeting in the beautiful city of Montreal from 1-5 October 2024 (ISoP 2024). Those of you who have been members of our professional society for many years, will know we have organized an international meeting almost every year since 1992, when the International Society of Pharmacovigilance (ISoP) was founded as the European Society of Pharmacovigilance (ESOP). Since 2000, when ESOP became ISoP, our annual meetings have taken place in many interesting destinations around the world. This year is the first time we will be hosted by pharmacovigilance colleagues in North America.
The theme of our conference is Global Perspectives on Pharmacovigilance in the Digital Age and Advanced Therapeutics. We are committed to the success of global pharmacovigilance, implementing new technologies and the safe use of advanced therapeutics for an improved patient safety. This is why the Scientific Committee for ISoP 2024 has placed the application of new technologies and the safe use of advanced therapeutics at the heart of the scientific program. We have invited Regulators for plenary sessions and the Committee has encouraged ISoP SIGs, world-leading academic and global pharmacovigilance leaders from pharmaceutical Industry to plan parallel sessions which will fit with this year’s theme of using the new technologies and ensuring the safety of advanced therapeutics worldwide.
Please view the scientific program for ISoP 2024 here noting the option to attend one of our pre-conference courses taught by international experts. For the main conference, we invite you to consider submitting an abstract to fit with one of the many interesting and important sessions. These include several topics that will be announced shortly. There is also the opportunity to submit abstracts as poster presentations. When we meet in Montreal, there will be the chance to share your work with an international audience and all accepted abstracts will be published in our official journal Drug Safety.
In conclusion, we invite you to take the opportunity to join us in Montreal in October, to discuss the key issues in our field with other pharmacovigilance professionals from around the world. Whether this is your first of twenty-three ISoP annual meetings, whether you are a student, a regulator or a world-leading academic, we know you will enjoy the scientific and social stimulation which will engage us in this wonderful setting.
Welcome to Montreal!